Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Happy Christmas, such as it is

To all my friends and family back in Canada or in other parts of the world, I wish you a happy Christmas. Much joy and suchlike.

Sadly, Christmas is something I don't get to take part in this year. Not only have I no family on this side of the planet, but I didn't even have the day off. My kids were all moaning about having to come in on Christmas day as if it were my fault... hell, if they hadn't come, I'd have been off. it would've been great. Alas.

I didn't really feel much negativity about missing Christmas until this afternoon at work. Normally in December I spend a large pile of my time running around between friends' houses and various events with my extended family, and I love it - ours is one of few extended families I know of wherein the members actually see one another regularly and get along. But today being just another work day... well, it feels wrong. When I got out of work, I felt angry. I can't really explain that, but that really is the right word. Sigh.

Happily, I've had some contact with folk back home, which is nice. I've done a couple of Christmas drawings as gifts (since I haven't been able to buy any yet or send them home in time, obviously), and am fairly distracted all the time. So it's okay. But I think next week I'm going to have to get on the Tae Kwon Do thing to keep my energy up. Sometimes there's nothing like a classroom full of difficult children to drain you.

So there's my first bout with homesickness, I guess. I hope all are having a superior sort of holiday. Mine should be looking up on the weekend.

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